What is MOOCs?

By H. Thangkhanhau

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science

MOOCs simply means Massive Open Online Courses introduced in 2006. MOOCs aims to provide a free web-based distance learning program that is designed for the participation of large numbers of geographically dispersed students. MOOCs are free online courses available for anyone to enrol. MOOCs provide flexible way to learn new skills, improve careers and deliver quality educational experiences.

In simple term, MOOCs are distance courses or open courses offered through websites. It does not simply means providing study materials or video contents using internet technology, MOOCs also provides interactive online classes where registered students can attend live lectures given by expert professors in that field. MOOCs also includes online assignments, projects, tests and interactive discussion forums to solve students’ queries. Some MOOCs providers even develop Mobile Applications such as Android Apps and iOS Apps for their learners.

The term MOOC was coined by Dave Cormier of the University of Prince Edward Island, Canada in 2008. The first MOOCs course was “Connectivism and Connective Knowledge” organized by University of Manitoba, Canada, in August 2008. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) develop Open Course Ware(OCW) in 2011 which became the first large collections of online courses or MOOCs by a university. Since, its inception, it is becoming more and more popular in all over the world – USA, UK, Hong Kong, Canada, etc.

In India, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India develop a programme called SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds). See https://swayam.gov.in/ for more details about SWAYAM. This is same as MOOCs and it is also known as MOOCs SWAYAM. This programme is implemented by IITs, IIMs and Central Universities. Mizoram University being a central university, started MOOCs programme (See http://www.mzuict.in/ ) this year 2018. Different institutions under MZU needs to appoint Institutional Mentor. I am lucky to be appointed as UGC SWAYAM Mentor by our respected Principal.

UGC had published regulations called “UGC (Credit Framework for Online Learning Courses through SWAYAM) Regulation, 2016” in 19th July 2016. As per this regulation, MOOCs courses offered through UGC selected institutes or universities will become a UGC Recognized courses or degrees. In the future, it is expected that credit transfers between this MOOCs courses and regulations courses may be possible. This is a big positive moves towards open and online learning. In other countries like USA, they already recognized and treated some MOOCs courses or online degrees same as regular degrees many years ago.

I hope, one day in the near future, internet will be utilized in better way and it will be the backbone for online learning like MOOCs courses. You may be able to obtain new degree or skills from the comfort of your room. You may be also be able to perform different types of online labs or activity from your room but still acquiring all the skills needed to be acquired from the labs or activities.